To discover what the future holds for your teeth and gums, we carry out a dental assessment to review your dental status. We will discuss the results and implications with you, as well as telling you about any other health issues the examination may have revealed. There may be some initial work to be done, following which your ongoing routine preventive care can be planned. Guided by the initial assessment, we will then establish your monthly Denplan Care payment. This payment is based on the condition of your teeth and gums. Normally the fee is paid to Denplan via a monthly direct debit. Each month Denplan collects your monthly fee after debiting a small amount for administration and your emergency insurance cover, passes the majority of your monthly payment to us. At the beginning of your programme there is an additional one-off registration charge equivalent to one month’s fee. This is to cover initial registration and administration. Once the assessment has taken place and the Denplan Care contract is signed, we are in contract with you and we can use this assessment as a starting point to maintain and improve your dental health. You can look forward to enjoying healthier teeth and gums, with all the confidence this can bring.