The aim of preventive dentistry is to help you improve your long term oral health. Prevention means taking positive steps to help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease, rather than waiting for problems to occur; through modern preventive care, it is sometimes possible to reverse the very early effects of tooth decay, thereby avoiding the need for a filling. This approach means, where possible, treatment is kept to a minimum. When treatment is required it will form part of your preventive care programme and we will ensure that it is given at the right time and will last as long as possible.
We can also talk to you about the use of fluoride, which helps tooth enamel resist acid attack and decay. Sealants and sealant fillings may be suggested, which adhere to the areas of your existing sound tooth most prone to decay.
A key aspect of preventive care (and something that you can control) is the valuable contribution that a tooth-friendly diet can make, not only for your teeth but also for your general health. As well as protecting against tooth decay, a healthy diet can also help protect you against diseases which may be associated with foods containing refined sugars, such as diabetes. When you register with us as a Denplan Care patient, we can advise you on how to protect your teeth by following a healthy diet.